Mission u

Mission u 2025 – Practicing Hope

All of us could use a little hope these days, and this July, you will have an opportunity to gather in Richmond to learn about Practicing Hope. Together we will examine where to find hope, what makes it hard, making hope a ritual, growing hope, and finding joy in practicing hope.

Mission u is open to all people who want to come together for two and a half days for prayerful fellowship, exploration, and hands-on mission work. You can choose an in-person study or connect with us over Zoom.
We plan to offer sections for Korean and Spanish speakers.

Dean: Maria Ward
Registrar: Rev. Laura Douglass
Business Manager: Marta Pizzeck

Cover of Practicing Hope curriculum

This study’s purpose is to allow all of our communities to cultivate hope that is honest about our current conditions (refugia), hope that is restorative when everything feels urgent (rest), and hope that is possible even when we transgress (repair).  

July 25-27, 2025

In 2025, our theme is Practicing Hope Together.

Good Shepherd UMC
9155 Hungary Rd, Henrico, VA 23294
VA United Methodist Center
10330 Staples Mill Rd, Glen Allen, VA 23060

Registration and more information coming soon.